
Tracking and Reporting Reduction Planning Regulated Facilities Complete Annual Report NPRI Substances Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans

NPRI Substances

Part 1A – Core Substances
A facility may need to report for Part 1A substances if they were manufactured, processed or otherwise used at a concentration ≥1% by weight (except for by-products and mine tailings, which have no concentration threshold) and in a quantity of 10 tonnes or more, and employees (including contractors) worked ≥20 000 hours at the facility (or an activity to which the employees threshold does not apply took place). Examples of facilities that typically report Part 1A substances include wastewater facilities; oil and gas facilities; chemical, plastic and paint manufacturers; manufacturers of wood products; metal fabricators; etc.

Part 1B – Alternate Threshold Substances

A facility may need to report for Part 1B substances if they were manufactured, processed or otherwise used at a facility in quantities equal to or exceeding mass thresholds, and employees (including contractors) worked ≥20 000 hours at the facility (or an activity to which the employees threshold does not apply took place).
Examples of facilities that typically report Part 1B substances include: wastewater facilities, wood preservation facilities, metal plating facilities, military bases, pulp and paper mills, power stations, cement and lime manufacturers, hospitals, etc.

Part 2 – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
A facility may need to report for Part 2 substances if polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were incidentally manufactured or present in mine tailings, and were released, disposed of or transferred for recycling in a combined quantity of ≥50 kilograms, and employees (including contractors) worked ≥20 000 hours at the facility (or an activity to which the employees threshold does not apply took place). Wood preservation facilities using creosote must report regardless of the mass threshold for PAHs and regardless of the number of hours worked by employees.

Examples of facilities that typically report Part 2 substances include pulp and paper mills, oil and gas facilities, cement manufacturers, power stations, wood preservation facilities, etc.

Part 3 – Dioxins, Furans and Hexachlorobenzene
A facility need to report for Part 3 substances if any of the following activities took place at a facility:

• incineration
• chlorinated solvent production
• metal smelting
• power generation
• iron and steel manufacturing
• pulp and paper manufacturing
• titanium dioxide pigment production
• cement manufacturing
• magnesium production
• wood preservation using pentachlorophenol

Part 4 – Criteria Air Contaminants (CACs)
All facilities are required to consider CACs released from stationary combustion equipment regardless of the number of employees at the facility. Additionally, facilities with ≥20 000 employee hours (including contractors), or where an activity to which the employee threshold does not apply took place, must consider all other sources of CACs at the facility.
A facility may need to report for CACs if they were released to the air from a facility in quantities equal to or exceeding their release thresholds.
Examples of facilities that typically report Part 4 substances include facilities with boilers burning fuels or waste, oil and gas facilities, aluminium production and processing facilities, pulp and paper mills, bakeries, painting operations, printers, waste treatment facilities, mines, pits and quarries, sawmills and wood products facilities, etc.

Part 5 – Speciated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) – Additional Reporting Requirements
A facility may need to report for Part 5 substances if they were released to air in a quantity of ≥1 tonne and the 10 tonne air release threshold for VOCs (under Part 4) was met.

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