Problem Solving / Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis uses a systematic approach to recognize why something happened, and what you can do to increase the likelihood that it does not happen again. Our course teaches you to correct and eliminate root causes of problems rather than just treating the symptoms. The goal of this training course is to equip participants with the technical knowledge and skills to use a systematic problem solving sequence to clarify a problem and any issues that led to the problem. Participants will learn to develop and implement suggestions for solutions.

Some of the topics for this training program include root cause analysis processes, conducting a root cause analysis, root cause analysis tools, a systems based approach to root cause analysis, documenting and communicating problems and solutions and determining corrective and preventive actions. Participants will learn to enhance problem solving effectiveness by analyzing problem situations more in-depth, expand the range of tools available for analysis of problem situations, and learn when to use analytical vs. creative thinking.